Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Then To Now: 17 Years In Photos

I'm not big on having pictures of me taken. I don't know why. It may be from being in a photo lab during one of my first jobs and the camera people needing fresh subject matter. Anyhow, I recently mentioned finding some old photos of myself and decided to put them in a sort of timeline.

Mom found this one and gave it to me as part of my birthday gifts. Here I am 1990 prior to senior prom. Yes, that is a mullet. I spent the next few years growing the front out even longer before getting a job requiring that change. The photo was taken at our house by Mom. For some reason, I think that I look tired and too thin... that's probably just me.

My date that night was my friend Pam. I think this was taken while we were at dinner at the Geisha Steakhouse but then again both of us have copies of this polaroid (I warned her that the photo was going up and she remembered having it also.) I had a good time but still feel guilty that we didn't leave my prom sooner so she could see some people at hers (I went to Bonanza while she was at Clark.) We saw her classmates leaving as soon as we got there.

This is my first and only self-photo. had to be taken about 8 years ago. I was still wearing a lot of black. Still my favorite color but I dress for comfort at home more often now. For some reason, I believe I was on my way out to karaoke at a place called Bob's Paradise (which was just a few blocks away) to meet some friends from AOL.

Mafioso? Well, that's kind of how I felt wearing this suit (left the jacket off for the photo.) Dad took this one. We were at our room in New York prior to attending Tony Bennett's 80th birthday party. Possibly one of my favorite trips. Maybe I still enjoy wearing a lot of black.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this then-to-now view of my photo history. Someday, I'll probably retrieve my favorite photo back (shows my hair at its longest and my gray-green duster.) So, for those who have wondered what I look like, the veil is lifted.


Anonymous said...

Look at you rocking the mullet. Awesome. You've posted the last pic before so some of us already got to peak behind that veil.

Like you I also dislike having my picture taken, and I like to wear black. Black is great I don't have to worry about colors not matching/clashing if I wear black pants.

LoraLoo said...

Look at you! These photos are great! This is a real treat, I know how you are not a fan of having your picture taken.

Gosh, your prom date looks really familiar. But I don't remember a Pam, and I was two years ahead of you anyway... Why did I think you graduated in 89?

BeckEye said...

You're rockin' that mullet! And your prom date looks like Julie from Valley Girl.

Teri said...

OK, I feel old, since I have known you before the first picture was taken. Thanks for the trip down memory lane :)

Bar L. said...

You're like a fine wine just keep getting better with age. But I must say I love that long hair!