Thursday, January 26, 2006

Is That Where They Got The Idea?

I'm not saying that everyone needs a new bra like the one seen above but it got me thinking that I've seen that somewhere before.


RT said...

OMG! That is so funny! I want one of those :o)

Perplexio said...

I like the Janet Jackson bra better as those hands are attached to arms, they aren't disembodied like the ones on the bra that the blonde girl is wearing.

A disembodied hand bra seems like something from The Evil Dead 2 or maybe The Addams Family... "The Cousin It Bra" from Playtex!

Fred said...

Haha! I love it.

Unknown said...

I know someone who might want a bra like that...

LoraLoo said...

It's just not the same as a nice, warm pair of hands...

Bar L. said...

I like Janet's bra better too. The other woman may be a bit desperate.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! NICE!

Fuckkit said...

Cooool, where can I get me a bra like that one?

Perplexio said...

PS: If Janet had been wearing "that" bra (from the CD sleeve, not the "Cousin It Bra") she might not have had that wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl a few years back...

And Justin Timberlake could even have put on his resume his "hands on experience" in the women's garment industry.

Lily said...

Real boobies, fake boobies.
Love the Evil Dead reference.

Teri said...

hahahah that was really funny. I guess I could wear that for the next Halloween party?

Nik said...

Janet's is definitely better, not only that but she's a helluva lot nicer to look at than the blonde.
Coll idea though, need to make it less creppy looking though.