I had to use this picture. It sums a lot of my topic up here as it comes from an interesting Web site that explains Nevada party registration. I'm sure they are hiding knives.
If you've read some of my posts in the past, you may remember that I'm a registered Libertarian. I do agree with their economic policies but find myself slightly disillusioned with the rest of their platform. That isn't to say that any other party screams "I'm the one!" but after reading what you might have read on that Web site mentioned above, you will notice that going outside either of the two major political parties limits your participation in voting. With all that in my head... this happened today:
I was approached at my main job by representatives of a union to which I belong. The union is wishing to show major support at Nevada's Democratic caucus. They have approached many of their members in an effort to create an overwhelming turn-out showing the strength of the union behind the candidates (or a particular one.) Anyhow, they asked me if I would change my party affiliation for the caucus (allowing me to attend) and that they'd quickly switch it to whatever I wanted afterwards. You may guess that I find this fraudulent.
I think what upsets me more is that with as much thought as I put into what party I wish to register, I am asked to change momentarily for the glory of worker solidarity, a chance to attend a caucus, a chance to be on television or just a whim? Maybe I'm taking it too seriously. I mean, it's only an election... sure, a presidential one. But, honestly, I do hold my core values close and may even take an affront to my views personally. But, how much would it take to get you to change your party?
I get where your union is coming from. As a Temporary Chair for my Precinct, I am being asked to turn out as many Democrats as possible. I can honestly say that I wouldn't change my party, but if you want to attend the caucus (which is a neat process in an among itself), or are supporting one of the current Democrats and want to get them elected, then I would switch affiliations to ensure they capture the nomination.
A-ha! In Cali we have a "Decline to State" registration..and dude..that is what I have been for decades..it allows me to vote for any party candidate and I like it that way since I am pretty much a progressive and find NO one party matches all my beliefs. I have voted green, Dem and..gasp..Repub on occasion ;)
But I do think the situation you blogged about is morally wrong to ask of you.
So, of course, I get a visit on Saturday from Ron Paul supporters asking me to switch from Libertarian to Republican for the caucus.
I can see your perspective and, as such, don't think you're taking it too seriously.
I personally strongly dislike the party system, or at least this system where the two major parties can drown out the rest.
I didn't know of California's registration...I think I'd like that type of registration here in Indiana. Because here, and in Illinois where I grew up, many good jobs are political and politicians don't hesitate to pull your voting record to see what party you're registered to. I guess many states are like that though.
I'm currently registred as a Republician, as I think of myself as a conservative. I wouldn't change my registration unless I could see myself voting for a Democrat for president...I will vote for Democrats in the lower offices, but those can't be determined by registration. I like O'Bama some, but I can't see myself voting for him, depending on who the Republican nominee is...so there's no way I'd change my affiliation for an instance such as the one you described.
I wouldn't change. The way I look at it, it doesn't matter, I still vote for who I want regardless of party lines.
I'm an Independent. I don't want to be affiliated with any politicians. But I don't want to be affiliated with Ross Perot either. :)
Well, I am registered as a Republican with leanings towards Libertarian....No way I would go to the Deomcrat caucus....
Switching for the reason they gave you is silly.....Stick with your party.
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