Sunday, March 13, 2005

Fighting The Useless Fight

I've come to the decision that there really isn't an easy way for me to become great at Web design and graphic creation for my sites and even this drab little blog. Yes, I would love to have some of those skills implanted kind of like a compact flash card to be removed when not needed. But that isn't going to happen. After all, I'm a content creator not a designer. It seems as we get older we discover all the other skills we wish we had time to invest in and gain but know that it isn't a reality. (For some reason this reminds me of an RPG game where you have to saw wood to gain points in woodworking mastery.) So, I'm probably going to have to hire out at some point to clean things up around here and I don't feel too bad about it. I'm a creative creature at times but I'll always be limited in my capacity for growth if I hope for a compact flash upgrade. I see hiring someone to redesign some of my work as getting a maid. Sure I can clean my house but a maid will do it faster, more effectively and in a little outfit that reveals more than it should (if you pay them enough.) Then again, as much as I'd love to hire out... that streak in me that says "I can find a way around that" steps in. Is the 'Never Give Up' attitude just delusion or just another control issue?


Unknown said...

You can borrow my expertise at any time Mart. I come cheap, well at least thats what Teri says.

Martin said...

Did she say "cheap" or "with little effort." B)

Unknown said...

I am not a kid.

LoraLoo said...

Web design is tedious creativity, and something that I have resigned to leave to someone else too. I actually had training in college and it frustrated me too much, so I brain-dumped it.