Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Carbohydrates

I have fond memories growing up of an elderly lady that would come by my father's work and would take us children with her to go feed the ducks. She would go to stores and pick up old bread that wouldn't normally be sold, tear it up in pieces and throw them towards the pond the ducks had staked out. During this time, I found the joy of scrunching up slices of bread into a little dough ball and eating it. I think it even tasted better. Something weird about taking it from the soft fluffy (Wonder white bread) risen slice and creating a tough and knobby mass. It just seemed to taste better that way. Anyhow, I don't think I've done that in decades. You have people cutting bread products out of their meals as they lower their carbohydrate intakes. Just reminding me that not only do ducks get to crap wherever they want, they don't think about diets.Posted by Hello


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Ahhhhh, the ducks. Lorenzi park.

Teri said...

I use to do the same thing with bread, and I thought I was the only weird one. Except I would make them into cubes.

Martin said...

Were these cubes made using flat surfaces or were you one of the strange ones that mashed them inbetween the both hands using the area between your thumb and index finger?

Unknown said...

Hey I used to do the bread balls and bread cubes too. You should try it with healthy bread like whole wheat Roman Meal [shudder].

Teri said...

Never used flat surfaces.. just shaped it with my hands... I told you I was odd ;)