I've also discovered one more shocking thing when putting all my music into a little hard drive... I have 3 duplicates. I guess I missed the albums so much I re-bought them even though I had them the whole time in my CD changer. What albums? The Goo Goo Dolls' A Boy Named Goo, Hatful Of Rain: The Best Of Del Amitri and Aerosmith's Pump. Very odd batch.
Meanwhile, some holes in my collection are being filled with a great Valentine's Day sale currently going on at Super Pawn. Essentially, a majority of the albums are selling for as little at 89 cents (10% more off if you buy 5 or more.) So, I've been visiting quite a few stores and added some that I'd been missing by Guy, MC Hammer, LeVert, Jody Watley and a few others. I figure that the whole album is worth more to me as a collector while a single song download is 99 cents. I figure I'm saving some cash this way.
Oh, one last note. UB40 release their new album, What You Fighting For?, next week. I put a "listening party" up at http://www.80smusiccentral.com for anyone interested in what their newest music sounds like. I see it as a free way to try out a CD before it comes out.
You are the King of Music. You never cease to amaze me with your diverse tastes and your vast collection. How do you find time to hear it all? I guess that's where the iPod comes in :)
I am interested to know what podcasts you find interesting.
I am amazed that with all your cd's you own that you know exactly which ones are missing. I am very impressed.
I have resorted to writing things down when I loan somone something at my work. We teachers have a tendancy to share our resources and at any given time, I have out on loan about 10 books. It is a lot to remember so, I just keep a spiral notebook. Yeah, I guess I am getting old :)
I've done the same thing with the download services. I use them to fill in some things that I've lost, or have always wanted but never bought. My taste isn't as deep as yours, but I do enjoy cranking it up in class when after the kids are done for the day.
Nerd alert!
Yer funny. Re buying cd's. I've only done that once. A very very long time ago. Now, I have a list of everything I own CD wise online. I can just go online and see if I have it or not.
The same for recipies. Online works for me. You can access these things anywhere now. Make your killer hummus or guacamole dip recipe at any random party you may be at. Well in my case where I'm at.
The one good thing about MS Word. You can type in all your cds and it'll alphabetize them automatically. Great feature lots of people don't know about.
My friends think I'm a bitch because I do NOT lend out CD's. But, I'm guilty of being the one to borrow and not return. Although, the two times I did that they were burned CD's and only mixes. I know, it doesn't justify not returning them. But had they been "real" I would have made sure. Plus, they ended up saying "just keep it." So it kinda doesn't count, no? 'Cause I did try to return them.
I don't have a huge collection of CD's. I just barely started buying CD's last year. What I do have means a lot to me! So, they aren't getting borrowed. If you want it that bad, I'll rip it and give you a copy.
I have "lost" more CDs to friends than I care to count. Everything from Dream Theater to Janet Jackson to Dvorak to Prince has gone missing. Sigh, someday I'll learn, like you, to be less generous ... but it hasn't happened yet. The joy of spreading music has outweighed the $50-100 surcharge per year of replacement fees when I cann't recall who I lent something to!
-- david
I'm impressed. I've lost more than my fair share of stuff by "loaning" it out. It'll be intersting to see what sort of things Amy and I have duplicates of while we combine our households.
WE have more of a problem with disappearing DVD's. The kids will borrow one and it never seems to make it back to our house. Or we will find an empty jacket and wonder where the DVD disappeared to.
I never lend out CDs for the same reasons all the others have listed here.
When I ripped all of my CD's to ITunes, I noticed a couple of things. I lost some when I kicked what's-his-name out years ago, and I have some empty CD jackets. So, I have some to re-buy.
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