Yes, it is Halloween and instead of decorating the house and scaring little children like I usually do, we have something scarier... another episode of Rock Star: Martin's Closet. As you may remember, contestant #7 was voted off by our readers and left the closet in a nice bundled up ball. Now, your votes will decide who else goes home.

I think you remember contestant #1 out of China. Yes, all the contestants are legally here but do note that this one may have issues with wrinkles. Not unlike a

Contestant #2 is from India and might upset those that are thinking that horizontal stripes makes one look rotund but it made it through round 1 without frayed sleeves.

You probably remember our contestant #3 from Myanmar. It binged on Haagan Daaz after learning it wasn't voted off last month.

Pakistan's contestant #4 had reason to celebrate last month as it received no votes. It has mentioned some fears in the house about how it will fare during the surprise photo shoot planned for next month.

Contestant #5 of India was able to avoid dismissal last month and use as part of a mangled corpse tonight. Has its luck run out?

And last but not least, contestant #6 of India held up well last week but has mentioned being a little worried that people will discover the diagonal pattern on the chest pocket.
Now, it's up to you! Who gets voted out of the closet?
I see the evil stripe, aka #3, survived. It was my choice last time and I'm sticking with it. Out, out damn stripe!
I agree. This time, I think, #3 is making me dizzy. But, after baking 6 mini pumpkin breads, 2 dozen pumpkin muffins, 2 apple pies, AND juicing 3 dozen apples, AND taking my child trick-or-treating for 2 miles worth of walking, just about anything will make me dizzy now. BUT, I agree #3 has TO GO!
I vote for number 3 with 5 coming in 2nd choice.
#4. Donate it. Quickly.
I vote to get rid if constestan #2. I just don't like stripes that go around.....There's my vote.
I'm thinking it's number three...gotta go as quickly as humanly possible.
I'm going to agree on number 3. But, number 6 and the pocket stripes going the wrong way is starting to grate on me.
Any house halloween pictures this year?
#3 is gone. Close call for #2,though.
Ahhh, no home Halloween photos as I went trick or treating with Kerry, her son and his cousins. Should have a few photos up from that night shortly.
Whoohoo! Number 3 is gone, that was also my pick last go round, if I posted sooner it would've have been my choice again.
You noted that you didn't decorate the house this year... all I had to do was READ. :) Can't wait to see the trick or treating photos.
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