Sunday, December 03, 2006

Classically Martin: Penelope's Boyfriend's "Wishing Tree"

This month I'd like to delve into a local favorite. Las Vegas' Penelope's Boyfriend had a lot of promise. Several of their songs were getting airplay on KUNV and many saw them as the city's 'next big thing.' In 1992, the group released their debut album, Waiting For The Big Thing. It seems that they wound up waiting and waiting and moved on to other things never to be heard from again. Here I leave you with possibly their most memorable song, "Wishing Tree," which I still find beautiful but feel it hinted at promises that never came true.

As with all these songs: They will be removed in a timely manner as to not infringe on the rights of the artist/songwriter and will be removed even sooner if asked.


LoraLoo said...

The sound is a little darker, but they reminded me at first impression of Deep Blue Something. Yeah, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" made the pop charts, but their debut (and I believe only) CD was pretty good as a whole. It's too bad this band didn't get too far, the sound is great. I wonder if 'grunge' had anything to do with their (lack of)success?

Lily said...

I agree with Lora, they do sound a bit Deep Blue Something-ish.

Fred said...

You sound like a lawyer with the "remove it" disclaimer. I wonder if the songs I post are a problem?

Anyhoo, not bad really. I'm not too sure if I would buy an album, er, CD, er download.

Martin said...

Lora - Grunge probably did play a role in that. Then again, there were always some weird hurdles to getting Las Vegas bands accepted as something more than Strip performers. Dino and Slaughter did a lot to help overcome some of those ideas and the success of the Killers has lent the city more credibility.

Fred - I guess that I worry a bit more about it because of my music journalism background. The last thing that I want to see is a newspaper article that the person that writes for 80's Music Central is giving away 80's music at his personal site. Also, it's a respect thing when it comes to the artists. I have yet to download any albums and prefer a CD in my hand. I think the fact that you use the music as background to your photos takes the accent off the music and more on the photos creating a new medium. You'd only get in trouble on those if you sold those (they'd probably want title credit and $1 per disc.)

Anonymous said...

wish this song link still worked!

Dirk Hanson said...

This is Dirk from Penelope's Boyfriend, we will bleb doing Wishing Tree at Tommy Rocker's May 9, 2015, Hope to see you all there!