Yes, it's really early on a Monday and the newsletter is going out right now. Kerry and I are heading toward L.A. to catch our boat. (L.A., San Diego, Ensenada, Catalina and back.) I don't think anything has made her happier during the course of our days of wedding planning than repeating the phrase "I'm going on a cruise!" She has wanted to go on one for so long. Kind of weird though... they don't give you an address to where you are heading. Hard to enter in a route if MapQuest doesn't have a destination. We just put the city in instead. Just get us close. hahaha I don't get a chance to go on vacation often, so I'm making the most of it.
We will be moving a lot of things when we get back from the trip so this rest will be useful. We decided to trade the nice things in my house with some from her condo as we plan to rent out the house. Bed, big screen TV, washer, dryer and refrigerator... fun fun.
I better get going but wanted to get a post in before we leave. I'm just about to check for last-minute news before we sending out the newsletter. Have a great week! I know that we will.
I hear that cruise is amazing... I know you guys will have a blast!!
Enjoy your honeymoon!
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