It's been a busy few days and will continue to be that way until Monday. Yes, the wedding and reception are over but there are lots of little things to do that would sit on our minds during the honeymoon if we were there right now. I would like to take a moment to express my gratitude for having friends like Teri, Lloyd and Josh Mann who made their home available to us for the reception. Also to Mr. Al Givens who cooked up a storm for the guests (I have some of it in the freezer... I'm drooling right now thinking about the potatoes.) Above all, I'd like to thank our friends and family that blessed our union and overwhelmed us with their enthusiasm.

For those that were unable to see the wedding, it can still be seen online for (until about the 30th) at http://webcasting.cashmanpro.com/mgm/ and typing 3/30/08 in the area under Choose A Wedding Date, click Find Weddings and click View Now. Came out pretty well. (Kerry's family took a video from the other angle that included more of my niece and nephew playing "Here Comes The Bride" which is barely heard at the beginning of this.) I also wanted to throw out a few photos to you from the wedding. My personal favorite is the top one with the other two a very close second and third. (Finally figured out that I need a new cable modem which kept cutting out when burdened with uploading the photos... more on that another time.) More may follow later... we'll see.

Again... congratulations!! Can't wait to see the pictures. Where are you going for the honeymoon?
p.s. I got to see the wedding... you both looked amazing, and the ceremony was so beautiful.
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The wedding was awesome! I wasn't sure it was "Here Comes the Bride," or that it was your niece and nephew.
Congrats again!
You guys are awesome! I am so glad you let us do that for you.
I have a few really nice pictures of the day, especially one of David and Kerry. I will email it to you.
Wow Martin, You got married! I know it's been a while since I visited but I had no idea. Congradulations! I am so happy for you and your new bride. I look forward to seeing some of those wedding photos.
The 1st picture is very sweet, and that second photo is awesome.
Happy Honeymoon!
Big time congratulations, Martin. Great pictures you've posted, too. Well done.
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