Sunday, April 24, 2005


I don't know why but I'm not a huge milk drinker. I love to cook and tend to buy a quart every time the date expires just so I could make macaroni and cheese, gravy, scrambled eggs, alfredo sauce, instant pudding and once in a very blue moon cereal. My only issue is that I usually buy the milk and don't open it until it's almost past the Sell By date. It is pretty amazing how many cartons of milk were in the case at the store that are set to expire tomorrow. Anyhow, I don't like letting it go to waste when it gets close to going bad so I usually chug the remainder. One of the earliest memories I have of my youngest brother Michael was him calling stuff 'jabotch.' How did he know about botulism back then?


Anonymous said...

I love milk!

Lily said...

How do you feel about chocolate milk? mmmm...chocolate milk.

Helpful tip o' the day: do not keep milk on the door of your fridge.

Martin said...

mmmm... Lily is right. Chocolate milk is a good thing. I just let the stuff spoil too quickly by not paying attention to expiration dates. Something interesting that I didn't put in the post: There's a web site that has food pyramids based on the specific needs of our bodies according to age and gender. What I found most interesting is the 3 cups of milk I'm supposed to be drinking each day. I really need to step up in that department.

RT said...

I think I know what you mean, and I'm guessing that you probably live alone? I always had milk in the fridge for company even though I never used it, you're just not human if you have no milk. But still, that doesn't mean you have to actually drink the stuff!

Hey! Thank you for posting on my blog! After looking at your profile I wonder why I haven't seen you around before, we seem to have a couple of things in common. I guess one reason may be because you added "Express" to Trans-Siberian Orchestra... :p Or, is there a new band that I don't know about? lol

Martin said...

Thanks for catching that RT. Sounds like I merged Kraftwerk's Trans-Europe Express into their name... musta been drinking. You are right. If you don't have some basic necessities in the fridge they will lock you up.

Helen said...

I hear ya on the old milk. I usually (now this is gross so prepare yourself) just buy half/half when I'm going to buy it because you can always add water to extend it and then I usually use it up faster!