Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Star Wars On Valium

Like many millions of people, I'm a fan of the Star Wars franchise (yes, even the newer films.) But, I think that one thing that makes the series amazing is the whole new world created in the minds of fans. Fans have taken this world and populated it beyond the films, books and comics. Hopefully, you get a chance to check out some of the fan films that are usually submitted for the official Star Wars Fan Film Awards. (I personally liked Troopers which was a version of Cops on Tatooine.)

If you are one of those that also loved the films, check out the well-produced Pink Five, Pink Five Strikes Back and The Return Of Pink Five (this one is still in production.) Essentially, these are the stories of another not-so-gifted rebel named Stacey fighting the Empire during the same time frame as the original films. Just add a little Clueless to your idea of Star Wars and you'll have a better picture of it. I'm just hoping that George Lucas feels pressured enough to put these out on DVD when they are done.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could get into Star Wars, but it's like time just won't permit. Boo.

RT said...

Star what?


Fred said...

I refused to see the last three. I didn't want to ruin the images in my mind of the first three. (Which were actually the last three.)

Hope I just made some sense.

Teri said...

Ok I am curious, why is pink in the titles?

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