Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A Show Of Support

After the age of the BBS, came the Internet. Early creation came in the form of UseNet in which a lot of people would access with IRC (Internet Relay Chat.) Anyhow, we'll make this history lesson very short. Several people searching for #ircbar on Dalnet often typed it too fast and it would of course come out #ircbra. This got people wondering and those prurient thoughts became an actual area and later a Web site that I stumbled across today. Why is this important, it's not. I just find it amazing what excuses people will come up with to put bra photos on their site.


Anonymous said...

Haha. People are indeed amusing!

Fred said...

I think I recognize some of those!

Unknown said...

A - B - C - D, Martin you find the most interesting sites...

LoraLoo said...

Awww man I actually got suckered into clicking on that link after I read the previous comments. Not like I didn't know what I'd see... but I still feel suckered. LOL

Martin said...

I'm just wondering which one of you will be the first to submit a photo. B)

Anonymous said...

I already did! Slacker.

I keed! I keed!

Teri said...

I wonder what excuses you need to find those web sites :) heheheh

The Zombieslayer said...

Hey, I think that's my wife's bra, the one on the left. I'm going to ask her why that lady has her bra. :\

mhochman said...

Well this was nifty to run across, I'm the founder of dalnet's #ircbar, and the owner of lol

we're always open to new donations. :)