Wednesday, November 09, 2005

On The Other Hand...

I was helping Kerry move into her new condo yesterday when I discovered a secret that many men don't talk about. (Sorry guys, but I'm going to let this one out.) I believe we have a third hand. I know what you are thinking and no, I haven't trained those muscles that well. If you think about it, men carry things differently than women. We both try to protect our sensitive protruding parts. You don't see women balancing heavy boxes on their chests when they move (unless they don't have anything there.) Likewise, you won't see men holding boxes against their groin (pointy edges.) But, you will see men use their third hand... their stomach. I noticed myself doing that here and there as things were being loaded and unloaded. I also recall seeing others do that at work. It's almost a little shelf when trying to hold a suitcase, desk or dresser in a certain position. Scary what goes through your head when you are moving stuff.


Anonymous said...

For your last post: I'm REALLY happy that things are looking up for your mom. I hope they only get better. *In my prayers*

As you saw, I added you to my MySpace list. I'm not sure why. I don't pay much attention to that vitual meat market. BUT, there is good music to be discovered and some of it is there.

AND, I finally saw a picture of you! That rules. *whistles*

Okay, about this post. I think women to use their stomach too. Hmm, now I'm wondering. I'm almost sure we do. I think it just helps with leverage.

Teri said...

Martin, Glad to hear Kerry is all moved in.

Women use their hips. It is like a little shelf that we balance things on, like children, boxes, etc. It really works, and we have 2 of them! heheheh

LoraLoo said...

I agree with Jenn, I think we use our stomachs too for leverage. I hadn't noticed men and women carry things differently, but I do believe you're right.

Perhaps that's why I've never bothered with the thing... a virtual meat market? Ugh.

Anonymous said...

I use my hips more. Of course, that probably comes from having children. Everything balances there so nicely. If it's really heavy I'll use the hollow of my hips, right where my thighs begin. Gets the job done.

Martin said...

I'm noticing that maybe I don't watch women lift enough stuff. I think it's because I don't like letting them do that around me. Go figure. B)

Fred said...

I really never noticed. I'm going to ask the ladies in the house to move something tomorrow - I may learn something.