As you've noticed, I took some time and added an area to keep track of what I'm reading. Currently, I'm in the middle of Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading this as it's helped me focus on several different areas of my life. Ideas like being proactive, noticing a paradigm shift and living my life with the end in mind have really hit home (yes, and I'm still in the first half.) It looks like this will be a book that I'll revisit often.
One of the best things about the book are the examples that bring to light some of these habits. One example was: Close your eyes and imagine your funeral. Imagine who would be speaking (family, friends, co-workers and church members) and what would they say about you. How you live your life now will be reflected in how you are remembered and what you leave behind. Another example has to do with paradigm shift and the photo on the left. How old do you think the lady is? Feel free to post that answer in your comments.
I actually read this book quite awhile ago - I believe it was a college assignment. While it really did have really good points and words to take to heart - I kept having this little voice asking "What if the end of your life is tomorrow?" So while I'm working, saving and looking forward to an early retirement, I can't be entirely proactive toward my slower and blue-haired days...
You aren't going to have blue hair but I can entirely understand what you mean. I'm trying not to focus on the end itself but beyond the end and using the time that I'm here to benefit more than myself. B) I'm pretty sure most people have read the book. I'm just now feeling like I'm the last one for the light to turn on. hahaha
I read this book a couple of years ago. Great airplane reading, actually. It really does help you focus on ways to improve yourself. I should re-read it.
I've always loved that optical illusion you have pictured ...
-- david
Bruce Springsteen will be at my funeral doing an accoustic version of Thunder Road along with my family and closest friends. (I guess I better be sure I die before him,he's got at least ten or so years on me....)
Imagining my own funeral sounds like part of the lesser known book, "1,001 Habits of Highly Freaked-Out People."
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