Some of you may remember my Top 10 list of what I'd like to see under my Christmas tree last year. Well, although the wish list is over, I have to say that Miss Lindsay Lohan will not be on next year's list. She was #6 last year but as you can see from this picture, aliens have replaced her with a young anorexic Sharon Stone clone. I believe that if the ransom is not met, she will probably drop to about 80 pounds and need assistance from nightclub to nightclub. Until they recover the real Lindsay, she is off the list and #7 to #10 will move up a notch with the final spot filled by Meg White of White Stripes. I remain thankful that this abduction didn't come while she was under the tree as I may have accidentally thrown her out with some of the dead tree branches.

She's more like a Paris Hilton clone, even right down to the hand on hip poses she is so fond of.
Dear Lindsay: please go back to your natural red hair, gain at least 15-20 pounds, and for the love of god lay off the self tanner.
hahahah you crack me up :)
Its amazing what a push up bra can do.
That reminds me that I have some photos for ya, Lloyd. hahaha Yeah, heck... lose the weight but at least fake that your chest didn't deflate.
You know....I thought the same thing as you. Now she looks like a skanky chick for sure....
Martin, what are you talking about....you promised, those pictures were only suppose to be for you :) hahahahahaha Now I am going to have to make Lloyd a copy
I get a copy? Does that mean I have to share the oil painting also?
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