Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I'm Only Searching...

Maybe it's something that only amuses me but I get a kick out of seeing what people search for at my Web site. People are always trying to find information about bands and artists and sometimes they will misspell the same word the same way 4 or 5 times and give up. Others will try every variation they can. There was a file error on the main page of the site this week so the 500+ searches that I'm used to seeing was limited. So today, I decided to look at them. Lots of the usual. The most searches this week were for Deee-Lite (which they spelled "delight," "deelight" and "deelite") and the most unusual one: "tommyleecock". I wonder what they were looking for?


Fred said...

Funny you should mention this - I've been compiling a list of searches that have lead people to my site. It'll take another month or more before I have enough to post; I only get three or four a week. What's interesting to me is that you can take one of those searches and put the same keywords on another engine and get nothing.

I guess it amuses a lot of us!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go drop some randsom searches just for you!