Thursday, June 30, 2005

My Mom, The Pain In The Neck

Mom went in for surgery today on her neck again. Today was all about burning nerve endings there that is expected to alleviate the pain she has there.

Her neck has been a pain for at least a decade. After damage caused by a vehicle accident (my mind is foggy about the beginning), she has had several surgeries which have included fusing of 4 different vertebrae and many clean-up operations. But it is getting to the point where more fusions will limit her ability to turn her head (even more) which could keep her from driving. You may remember the taco pie post awhile ago. That evening ended in tears... my mother's. She was working so hard to get dinner and everything ready but her head/neck was killing her. It seems that one of the non-fused discs is now bulging.

We are hoping that this surgery helps but I've talked with mom about a few other options that we'll look into after this. Nerve endings grow back and so will the pain (if it is alleviated at all.) She will probably be at home trying to force herself to do something she shouldn't instead of resting. That means she'll probably also wind up popping on here to check up on me. Mom, get some sleep and I'll be stopping by tomorrow after work. I love you.


Teri said...

I am sorry to hear about mom's pain. I can understand and relate because my mom is also in cronic pain. My mom has had diabetes for about 25 years and it has taken a toll on her body. She has lost most of her eyesight and she has a painful nerve condition called Neuropathy. Basically the nerve cells are dying and causing extreme pain. It started in her feet, but it has moved to her legs, arms and hands now. There is not a cure and all she can do is take pain medication. It is really difficult to watch someone you love suffer and know that that there isn't anything you can do to help. She also cries not only from the pain, (she hates taking pain medication), but from the feeling of being helpless because she can't always do what she wants to do without help.

RT said...

I'm sorry to hear about your Mom Martin. I sincerely hope they can do something to help alleviate her pain.

I can understand your worries. My Mom is getting ready to go back to the doc tomorrow to see about having a surgery to have a couple of her disc fused. She's been doing the physical therapy, but it just doesn't seem to be working anymore...

LoraLoo said...

I hope this surgery is her last, and that her pain will finally be gone, for good!!

Martin said...

Talked to her tonight (she likes to call after Hit Me Baby One More Time to figure out who should win.) She is hurting worse than the fusion surgery but she is doing alright. I'll see her tomorrow. I did forget that they have to go in and do the other side of her neck in a week. She says thank you for your thoughts. B)

I also want to good luck to your Mom, RT. Give her our best. That goes just as much for your mother too, Ter.

Anonymous said...

Martin, I wish your mother the best. I don't know how big you guys are on prayer, but I will include her in mine tonight.

Lily said...

Hope this treatment helps your mom Martin, perhaps after a few days it will get better than it was last night.

RT said...

So how did it go???

Can you tell anything yet?

Martin said...

Mom is the fighter she has always been. Like I expected, she is trying to not use the pain medication as prescribed but to see how long she can go between them. I love her, though. She was in pain when I saw her yesterday but it should be awhile until the pain of the surgery goes away to reveal if the pain it tried to alleviate is minimized. I hope she will feel better by next week when she goes in for the same surgery on the other side of her neck. But, as I said, my mother is a fighter and although her spririts may get low at times she doesn't like not having control of her circumstances. Thank you all for your concern. B)