In 9.5 million flights since 1970, Southwest Airlines has never had a fatal passenger event. One obvious mention here is that Southwest's 34-year history started with a focus on the southwest meaning a lot of short to intermediate flights instead of cross country. Yet, they added Chicago in 1985. In 1991, Baltimore/Washington International Airport is added to routes. The airlines was up to 2,800 daily flights to 60 airports in 59 cities by last year. The only other airlines with no fatal passenger events since 1970 are America West Airlines (2.3 million flights), America Trans Air (330,000 flights), Hawaiian Airlines (330,000 flights), Midway Airlines (80,000 flights) and JetBlue (new airlines currently unknown flight totals.) Check here to see stats on the airline you last used.
I have several friends that are paranoid about flying but it is interesting to see the numbers and maybe knowing what the stats are can calm some nerves.
I am going to be the 2nd non spammer to comment.
I am glad to hear Southwest is a safe airline, because I live within 10 miles of Nashville International Airport and the majority of planes flying over my house are Southwest. I know this becasuse sitting outside they are taking off, and are close enough to see the paint job. A few American Airlines fly over, and a few Army C130's do too, but mostly Southwest. As a homeowner close to an airport, it's good to hear Southwest is relativly a safe company.
Well, I'm afraid to comment because the spammers may find me..lol. But when you mention the words "fatal passenger event", that's when I decide not to fly.
I guess I'll always be the type that's fearless about flying... I used to go out with a friend who even let me 'drive' his Cessna (Look Ma! No Pilot License!)
It does kind of bum me out that so many airlines are having financial problems, though. I really do like to fly, but even with the price wars, it's just getting too darn expensive.
Ok, I busted out the Raid and sprayed the area for spam. We'll see how long it holds. Otherwise, I'm going to be very active in the clean-up. B)
I usually fly Southwest, so this was a refreshing post! It's usually cheapest too. Only promblem is, I hope to someday visit the East Coast and I don't think Southwest is going to accomodate me. Although, Chicago IS sounding good. Then I could hang out with Katie!
I'll take that credit card number too thanks.
Another non-spammer. Is this a record yet?
In all the years I was traveling, I only had one incident. It was an Eastern Airlines L-1011 that lost its braking hydraulic fluid.
So - they had to dump all the fuel over the Pacific, then circle back in to San Francisco and hope for the best.
I was scared s*itless. But, the plane landed with no problem, and I even got to jump on a slide and run away from the plane.
Twenty three years of traveling and that's it. Not bad.
I don't fly too often. The last flight I took was on Southwest, we had to switch planes because of technical problems, as I was walking to the next terminal with the rest of the passengers this guy mocking the commerical says "you are now free to move about the airport."
Regarding the spam, I just keep reporting it to Blogger, it's getting way out of control.
I don't think the stats are going to help "your afraid of flying friends". She is still going to go nuts and believe that she will be the small incident stat.
I do know the stats and the logical side of my brain tells me that it will be ok, but the emotional side is scared to death to fly. Even though I am afraid, I still get on a plane (which btw is usually Southwest).
I was familiar with the numbers for Southwest since I am a Cali person and have flown w/them for eons..America West was out of Phoenix and although their flights were never on time, they lost luggage like it was a contest AND their customer service sucked moose balls..they are safe..and yes the spammers have hit MY blog as well..lil turds..i have been going crazy deleting all their comments..
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