Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Thank U 4 Lettin' Me Be Mice Elf

Even as a journalist, I have my gripes about the media. Somewhere it has been forgotten that getting news out to the populace isn't about pushing an agenda or getting a story out first (right or wrong.) There are times when I'm reporting (especially the Michael Jackson trial) that I find it difficult to constantly weigh the content but I try. Maybe it is my conscience and that when things are in doubt, I want to show both sides. Thankfully, I don't have to report on political matters during wartime. I don't have to worry about giving away the location of the military force I'm embedded in by saying the wrong things via satellite. I don't even have to worry about my country's soldiers as I use an unconfirmed report from a 'reliable' source to tell a nation of Islamic faithful that our military representatives are flushing a holy book they would die for down toilets. I wouldn't even have to feel remorse if the country that our soldiers helped achieve freedom turned around and slaughtered our men for such sacrilege. Even though, I still would. Thank God, Allah, Yaweh, Jesus, Buddha and Zeus that I'm only a music journalist and that there is never a bad time to run a story about a band getting back together.


Anonymous said...

This is a great post. And actually makes me "look" at journalists in a completely different view. ;) A good one.

RT said...

I'm with Moose on this one. Not only do the journalist have to be mindful of what they say in the "heat of the battle," but I imagine it would be pretty tough to remain objective in those stressful situations.

Maybe better editing is the answer?

LoraLoo said...

The problem with journalism is the general public's fault, in the end. We as a nation thrive on dirty laundry, car wrecks, reality television (the more catfights the merrier). I think if we stopped responding to the crap being forced down our throats, we might actually stop being fed it.

Unknown said...

FOX news is atrocious..its a rightwing commercial..if people actually get a majority of thier current events from those guys they are really really messed up by now...fair and impartial are hard to come by now but blatant disregard for the facts in order to get your party line out there to the american public is sickening..what ever happened to the fifth estate? its the fifth right?..its late here and i am not really sure but you get my drift..dont you?