Sunday, May 01, 2005

Michelle, Corey, Connor and Olivia

I felt like a family photo moment. This is my sister, he husband Corey and the twins Connor and Olivia. The photo is nearly 2 years old but I need to get some new photos. Sure, you can get away with looking cute picking your nose at 1 1/2 but when you get older they say that you are immature or have a coke habit. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

And doesn't she make it look so damn precious?!

Good looking family! Where you at?!

Martin said...

I've never been one to keep photos of myself. I'm probably going to have to get some newer ones done someday hahaha. It used to bug the people I worked with because I was a printer at a photo lab and the camera people needed someone to practice on. I'd usually bolt from the lab for an hour or so or go in the dark room. I think I have issues with leaving evidence around.

Lily said...

Very cute picture. To be fair Olivia looks more like she has her fingers in her mouth that up her nose.

LoraLoo said...

What a great picture! I agree with Lily, it looks like Olivia is having a good chew on her fingers. :) I have to add..They look so energetic and awake for being the parents of twins!

Martin said...

I think that they look energetic because they know the twins were just about an hour from bed-time. hahaha I'm pretty sure they were going towards her mouth but I had to enjoy myself with the post. B)