Thursday, May 05, 2005

Siete De Mayo

So this is what my Cinco De Mayo comes down to. It's not a bad thing. Roberto's is pretty much the best fast food Mexican in town (nearly 20 different locations) and this is under a 1/8 mile away from the house. The place was packed but it always is in there. It doesn't take much to entice me to eat Mexican food... above all, I prefer it. What I found funny in the newspaper were the announcements for the holiday celebrations. They were all slated for May 7th. Yes, Cinco De Mayo is being moved from Thursday to Saturday. I can understand that you can get more people out on the weekend but come on! If they just had one little party, I'd feel a little better about it. Although, it isn't my holiday to complain about (I'll reserve that rant if they move St. Patrick's Day.)Posted by Hello


Martin said...

24 hour everything really. Most Carl's Jr.'s are open 24/7 as well as all mini-marts. When I moved to Reno, I was used to having everything open late and remember my first time running out of gas because the stations were all closed. As you can guess, I didn't last there more than 6 months. It's amazing to see how life is somewhere else and I can't imagine living in Utah with alcohol restrictions.

Anonymous said...

I got some homemade red chili and hamburger patties today! Mmmm!

I like it like that.

LoraLoo said...

Mmmmmm... Roberto's. Now I'm hungry.

Martin said...

Something about the carne asada super nachos that is so so so bad for any diet that I could eat at a drop of a hat (the thing weighs about 2-3 pounds and costs under $6.) Having it so close, I just have to be good.

Unknown said...

Hey martin, is this the Robertos over by the Capriotties sandwhich shop?