Friday, May 20, 2005

Physics For The Inner Chef

I love cooking. I only talk about it every so often. I have to give credit to two people who made it enjoyable. Above all is Mom who I spent a lot of time watching cook for the 4 of us kids. I was lucky enough to be her third hand when she would need someone to stir or make sure something didn't burn. You learn a lot from this. I still don't know how to cook half of what I love of hers but it is kind of difficult doing that when she cooked for 5 to 6 people and I don't. The other person that stoked my interests was Mr. Alton Brown who hosts Good Eats on The Food Network. I know, there are a lot of chefs out there and a lot of them make it look fun. But, watching Emeril and Wolfgang, I find that I don't understand why they throw items in a dish. Alton attacks food with a scientific eye. He shows how certain molecules react in a dish, why searing one side of a steak might not seal in moisture and egg whites are nature's glue all with a kick of humor and history. Cooking has always seemed like such an arcane art until I first caught the show. Bam! Kick it up a notch! But, I actually feel that I'm walking away with an education after every episode. If you haven't seen an episode yet do try. Posted by Hello


Teri said...

I really like Good Eats. I have never tried a recipe from him, but his zany personality makes learning about cooking fun.

Lily said...

I like this show too. Along the same lines, I also enjoy Gardening by the Yard with host Paul James. Even though I have a black thumb and am not a great cook, I am entertained and learn something new from these shows.

LoraLoo said...

I'm going to have to check this show out... I love the Cooking Channel, but haven't seen this show. Perhaps I can learn something to add to my list of macaroni and cheese and... oh damn that is the list!

RT said...

Cooking, in theory, sounds so interesting... Unfortunatly, after blowing up a stove while trying to boil water, I realize that "in theory" is the only way I'm gonna do it. 8)