Sunday, June 12, 2005

I Like Rain

We are expecting a few sprinkles here and there but it does seem odd to talk about rain in the desert. I don't know where it started but I have always loved the smell of rain. I've been told many reasons for why the smell happens and the one that I believed for the longest time was that the droplets were bringing the smell of ozone down with them. Then I read this article about the subject. Since we aren't in a very wooded area, I think the smell is from the acidic properties of the rain on our surroundings. Whatever it is exactly, it is my favorite smell closely followed by vanilla (dunno why.) So, possibly one of the reasons that "I Like Rain" by the Jean-Paul Sartre Experience is my favorite tune could be something deeper.Posted by Hello


Unknown said...

That would be a definite yes for Martin then.

Teri said...

I love rain too, I guess I live in the wrong city for it though. Not that I will move or anything, but rainy days make me happy. All I ever want to do when it rains is sit by a fireplace and read a good book. Ok that isn't all I want to do :)

Anonymous said...

It rained last night. It was thundering and everything. This weather is just crazy.

Hey, you wanna play with me in the rain?! I LOVE to do that!

Lily said...

I like the smell of rain too. I don't like being out in the rain though.
Drizzles annoys me, it's like pick one...rain or don't.

LoraLoo said...

The smell of rain is one of the best smells there is! I like taking a good nap when it's raining. For some reason I also get the urge to go shopping on a rainy day... don't know why that happens.

RT said...

I love the rain on a warm day! The world does feel and smell so much cleaner afterwards...

Unknown said...

rain in vegas is like a very weird thing..i go there enough to know it floods out whenever it rains a decent amount..but the smell of rain is a comforting thing..i totally agree..the sound is soothing also..