If I ever say that I had a really bad childhood, take it with a grain of salt. I am lucky enough to have 2 younger brothers (Matthew and Michael) and a sister (Michelle.) We had the standard fights here and there but we really learned a lot about dealing with other people through this.
We were living at a really huge house at the time prior to our parents' divorce. I'd say that I was 9 years-old or so. Around 7 and on, children lose teeth. It's just a fact of life. I reported a loose tooth to my mother after wiggling it around for so long with no luck. It seemed so close. So she tried wiggling it with no luck. This is when she delved into the tooth pulling old wives tales. Mom had an idea. It involved string and we searched the house for anything we could find. No luck. Mom isn't the type to give up... neither am I (and I thank her for that.) We decided to improvise with the string from my sister's yo-yo.
We kept the yo-yo intact for future use but used the finger end of the string which she lovingly tied to my loose tooth. She had heard of a method of tying the other end to a door and slamming it shut... out pops tooth. Pretty simple unless you have a rather agile yet scared boy on the other end of the string. We went with the 3 count. Every time we got to 2 1/2, I would jump or lunge forward taking tension out of the string and essentially killing that idea. She had another idea: winding up the string and dropping the yo-yo. I thought this was a pretty good idea as it wasn't as violent. The ending tension would pop it out. Well, when she would let go (same 3 count) I would get scared and duck -- which just let it hit the floor. Frustrated but understanding, Mom was caught in a bind and I held the yo-yo in my hands as I told her I was sorry. That's when I heard a phrase that I'll always remember, "That's my yo-yo!!" My sister, who is a year younger than I, was upset at the fact that I was playing with her toy. She stormed into the room, yanked it out of my hands and my tooth went dangling along at the end of the string.

Great story. I imagine it freaked your sister out a bit when she realized what was attached to her yo-yo.
Very cute story, I had to laugh. What made you think about it now?
Martin, Martin, Martin, I always did know you had an interesting childhood.
Very cute..lol. Much nicer than the scar under my left eye that my sister gave me :)
LMAO! Ewww!
Did your sister still play with the yo-yo afterwards?
Ok, I probably should have added more to the end of the story. My sister was actually proud of herself for doing it and she kept the yo-yo (no idea what ever happened to it though.) No idea why I thought about it. So many things rattling around in this brain of mine.
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